Mochi's commission prices and ToS
About the Artist
Mochi (They/Them) works as an illustrator since 2016, they especially love drawing intimate moments, cat girls/boys and femboys.

Price Samples
~ click on the images to see them in full size ~
What i WILL do: NSFW; Couples; Chibi; OCs; Furry; Multiple characters;
What i WON'T do: Mechas; Hard Gore; Scat; Rape; And anything offensive really.
Want something that's not included here? Feel free to ask!
Please make sure to read everything in here before contacting me! You can send any question you may have to [email protected] or discord mochiron#6227.
Terms of Service / Contact Info
Orders can be made on my discord mochiron#6227, by DM on Twitter, or e-mail [email protected].
PAYMENT: Full payment is to be made upfront, only on Paypal.
TIME FRAME: I work with a queue, once you contact me i'll notify you when i'll be able to start making your piece: this may take up to 2 months or so. When started, i usually take about 2 weeks for simple commissions and up to 6 weeks for more complex ones, all will depend on the complexity of the project.
ALTERATIONS: Alterations will be done ONCE in the SKETCH stage, with the only exception being if i do something wrong. As soon as i have the sketch done, i'll send it to you and ask if you want anything altered. Note that it is of utmost importance that you come to me already knowing what you want, i WILL charge extra if you ask for multiple alterations.
EXTRA FEES: If the piece includes: Armor or complex clothes, weapons, complex background, or anything that i find really difficult, i'll charge extra for it, depending on how much effort i'll have to put into it.
Urgency: If you need a faster delivery for your request, i can make it my priority by adding a fee of 30% of the total price.
Ownership: If you want your piece to be secret or if you want to have exclusive rights to it, there'll be a fee as well (to be determined BEFORE i start it, also depends on complexity). By not saying so, you acknowledge i retain full rights over the created image to profit from and post whenever i want, without the need of your authorization.
REFUNDS OR CANCELLATION: If you decide to cancel your piece, i will calculate the amount of work and hours i put into it, and refund only for the part i didn't do yet. A full refund will only happen if the commission cannot be completed by my part.
REFERENCES: To achieve exactly what you want, please come to me with references. They may be: Photos, Drawings, In-Game Screenshots, or anything you think might help me understand what you want in the piece, and once you have them, please explain to me what exactly you want taken from it. Example: I like this reference's pose but the character's bodytype is more like this other reference.
© Mochiron. All rights reserved.